Monday, December 19, 2016

3 Critical Property Negotiating Pressure Points

Strong competition for properties and rising prices has created a sellers’ market in many parts of Australia. property australia

So how do property buyers tip the scales in their favour?

The simple answer is by understanding how to negotiate.

Yes, even in today’s hot markets savvy property investors who know how to apply three critical negotiating pressure points can get the upper hand.

These approaches are at work in every negotiation; either you are applying them to the other party or they are using them on you.

So let’s look at them…

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1. Options

Since the power in negotiations goes to the person with the most options, when you’re buying a property it is important to convince the seller that you have more options than they do.

Look at it this way… 

If a seller has two buyers lined up waiting to offer him $500,000 for his property, he has options.

You probably have little chance of getting him to accept your offer of $480,000. 

However it’s important to realise that in negotiation you often deal with perception rather than reality.

Agents will sometimes tell you they have other buyers interested or that they have better offers than yours, but they’re simply applying this pressure tactic on you.

To gain power in negotiation you must convince the vendor through his agent that you have more options than they do.

Currently this isn’t too difficult because in most markets there’s an abundance of properties for sale.

Let the agent know that there are also other properties you are interested in.

You could say something like: “We like this property but there are two others we have in mind in a better location and at a lower price”.

Remember the person with the most options has the upper hand in the negotiation.

2. Time pressures

If you find a seller who is highly motivated because they are under time pressures you could find yourself a terrific buy. property time market clock house cycle investment timing watch growth

While it may be hard to work out what type of pressure the vendor is under, the selling agent will sometimes tell you that they have already purchased another property and must settle at a particular time.

Other time motivated sellers include people going through a divorce or moving interstate.

To help find out how motivated the vendor is you could ask the selling agent why is the vendor selling, where are they moving to and would they consider a lower offer for a quick settlement?

Other sensible questions to ask are: 

  • How long has the property been on sale?
  • Have they received any offers on the property?
  • How did the vendor come to his selling price?

Let’s face it…I like to use time pressure when making a written offer to purchase.

I’ve found it helps if I put a deadline on my offer such as “this offer expires at 6.00 pm on Thursday 9th April.”

But I always give an explanation to the agent, such as:

“Well…I’m considering purchasing a particular property that’s going to auction this weekend and if the vendor doesn’t accept my offer by Thursday I’m keen to purchase the other property and can’t have this current offer remaining open when I go to the auction.”

3. Knowledge

In negotiations the side with the most knowledge will do better.statistics-read-results-sale-data

Fact is, if you’ve done the proper research you should know more about the property market in which you are buying than the seller.

However apart from researching the local property market it’s also good to find out what you can about the vendor.

The problem is that most of what you know comes from the agent.

Of course the reason you should find out as much as you can about the seller and their property is that it will give you a better insight into the real motivation for selling.

This could lead to a creative win-win solution that will let you buy the property at below market price.

In summary:

Remember these three critical negotiating pressure points when negotiating your next property purchase.

Make sure you take advantage of them and that the selling agent doesn’t apply them to you.

If you want to get the best deal when you buy your next investment property, get a professional negotiator on your side working for you.

When you use the team at Metropole to help you find your next home or investment property you level the playing field because we know all the tricks and traps of the real estate industry.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned property investor, we would love to help you formulate an investment strategy or do a review of your existing portfolio, and help you takeread learn question book your property investment to the next level.

Please click here to organise a time for a chat. Or call us on 1300 20 30 30.

When you attend our offices you will receive a free copy of my latest 2 x DVD program Building Wealth through Property Investment in the new Economy valued at $49.

And if you’re looking for independent advice, no one can help you quite like the independent property investment strategists at Metropole.

Remember the multi award winning team of property investment strategists at Metropole have no properties to sell, so their advice is unbiased.

Just click on this link to find out more and organise an obligation free chat with one of our property strategists.

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