Thursday, December 22, 2016

The top 25 property blogs of 2016

Here’s a list of our top 25 blog articles of 2016.

These should make some great reading for you over the next few weeks.

Did you know that more than 105,000 people subscribe to my Property Update blog? house computer search property news media web

Some subscribe to the daily commentary while others get  the weekly summary.

And that over the course of 2016, we’ve published thousands of articles to help investors better understand the ins and outs of property investment, success, personal finance and wealth creation strategies.

From depreciation and debt reduction to in-depth market analysis and maximising cash flow, Property Update distributes the very best insights so you can always stay ahead of the pack.

Of course, some blogs are always more popular than others depending on what is happening in the market and the economy throughout the year.

So, as 2016 winds down, I thought it would be a good idea to share the top 25 blogs of the last year so you can take another look at the stories that meant the most to our many subscribers.

  1. How to get started in property development

The number one blog of the year was this “how-to” article on property development, which was written because of an increase in the number of budding developers out there who want to maximise their investment strategies.

  1. The Melbourne market – 29 investor tips

The Melbourne property market surprised many commentators over recent years with it bouncing back into growth contention – a fact that saw it become one of the top stories of the past year as well.

  1. The 4 major market trends until 2020

The number three blog for 2016 was this one written by Pete Wargent that outlines the top four market trends until 2020 that investors must understand if they want to make the most of them.

  1. The Sydney property market – 20 investor insights

Sydney’s property market has been the talk of the country for more than three years so we investigated whether our biggest capital city still offered investment opportunities.

  1. 10 common mistakes by first-time investors

There’s a lot of learn about property investment when you’re just starting out, but this blog outlined the top 10 common newbie mistakes to help prevent first-timers from making the same blunders, too.


  1. How many properties do you need to retire?

The age-old question of how many properties are “enough” to retire or to achieve financial freedom continues to be of interest to investors with the answer, of course, always being an individual one.

  1. What ahead for Brisbane’s property market in 2016?

The Brisbane market was on the radar of many investors in 2016 so at the start of the year we took a detailed look at what was likely to happen in the Sunshine State’s capital city.

Did we get it right?

  1. Renting vs. buying – which ones puts you on the top of the property ladder?

Housing affordability concerns saw many young people wonder whether owning property was still achievable or whether they should continue to rent for the time being so we considered both sides of the equation in this blog.

property manager

  1. 9 property predictions for the next 10 years

The property market has undergone quite a lot of change in the past 10 years and we can expect even more change in the decade to come, too.

  1. Tsunami of apartments hitting Sydney property market

At the start of the year, the threat of a massive new unit oversupply in our major capital cities was starting to materialise with this blog by George Raptis outlining what it might mean for the Sydney market.

  1. 5 top tips to negotiate your way into a pre-auction purchase

Buying at auction can sometimes be fraught with the possibility of letting emotion overcome good financial sense, so we helpfully provided these top five tips to assist investors negotiate a pre-auction purchase.

  1. What every property investor needs to be know about buying “off the plan” property

Across our main capital cities there has been a building boom of off the plan units over recent years, but are these types of properties actually investment-grade assets?

property news

  1. 6 reasons most people will never get rich

It’s an inconvenient truth that most people will never get rich despite their best efforts and here are six of the main reasons why.

  1. The darker side of serviced apartments

The affordability and potential cash flow of serviced apartments saw this asset class back on the radar for some investors, but they may not be all they’re cracked up to be as this blog outlined.

  1. Why so negative about negative gearing?

Negative gearing was in the headlines again in 2016 with politicians debating whether it was a good or bad policy, so we delved deeper to explore the truth about this investment strategy.

  1. 5 questions to ask before making an offer

Some of the most popular blogs every year are ones like this one which provide solid tips to help investors buy well – no matter what the market or the economy is doing.

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  1. 21 success habits of the rich

I’ve been studying rich and successful people for more than 30 years and over that time I have discovered many of their habits, which you can learn from, too.

  1. Australia’s property bubble: The smart investor’s guide

A “looming” property bubble was again a hot topic in 2016, but this guide for smart investors explored what a bubble actually is and most importantly what it isn’t.

  1. The rights and responsibilities of a landlord

This article was written to help all landlords better understand their tenant’s responsibilities, as well as their own landlord rights, when it comes to collecting, holding and returning a bond, collecting rent, increasing rent, entering their property, maintenance, repairs and ending a tenancy.

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  1. 11 questions to ask your property manager

The intricacies of property management are always of interest to serious property investors so Shannon Davis wrote this helpful list of the top questions that you should always ask your property manager.

  1. Understanding the property development process

As some investors consider making a move into the potentially more lucrative property development field, this beginners’ guide proved to be a popular blog to help them better understand the process.

  1. The attributes of successful property developers

The growing popularity of property development again saw this blog, which explores the attributes of the very best developers, make it into our top 25 list.

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  1. Will your children be rich or poor? 15 poverty habits parents teach their children

Tom Corley conducted a five-year study into the habits of the rich and poor, which found that our parents are usually the ones that will teach us to be one or the other.

  1. Why is Michael Yardney still working?

This blog was a little different because it explored why I have chosen to continue working even though I am financially free.

The answer, of course, is because I love what I do.

  1. 13 common mistakes that home buyers make – and how to avoid them

The 25th most popular blog of 2016 was this story, which outlined some of the most common homebuyer mistakes which, of course, are best price property

So, as you can see over the past year, our subscribers have been interested in a wide variety of topics because property investment has many different aspects and there are also many ways to create wealth.

The key, of course, is to keep up your education, research and reading to ensure that you have the right information every step along the way.

We hope you enjoy refreshing your property and investment knowledge bank over the holidays with these top 25 blogs and we look forward to providing you more insights and information in 2017.

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