Monday, January 2, 2017

12 things that are much more important than money

I write a lot about money and property in these blogs, but when you get to know me you’ll realise I believe that true wealth is what you’re left with after they take away all your money.

Sure money is important in some aspects of your life, but it’s not at all important in others – is it?

The following list from Lifehack lists the things that you’ll regret in the future if you don’t do now, just to reemphasise this point.

1.  Put your health and wellness above everything else summer-1603471_1920

There is an old saying: “If you don’t have your health you have nothing,” and this is very true.

2.  Take the time to do the things you love

This may sound cliché, but work less and play more. You will never regret taking a vacation, engaging in a new hobby or spending a day with those who make you happy.

3.  Stop taking life so seriously

Why are you taking life so seriously anyway?

4.  Always say what you need to say no-translate-detected_121-51435

If you love someone, tell them. If someone hurt you, tell them. If you have trouble expressing your feelings, then write a letter. Make sure those around you know each and every day how you feel.

5.  Open up your mind to possibilities

6.  Follow your own path—live a life true to you

Stop comparing yourself to others and stop striving for perfection. Stop living a life based on the expectations of others.

7.  Stop living in the past

Right now you need to throw away regrets of the past. It’s gone, there is no point dwelling on what could of been, doing so will only rob the present moment of joy. 

The past doesn’t exist except as a memory, it’s a mental story and it can’t be changed.

8.  Accept the things you cannot change

9.  Practice mindful living

Mindful living will in fact slow down time; it will enhance the present moment and fill otherwise mundane days with awe and joy.

10.  Stop chasing money, fame, and possessions

We crave wealth, prestige, fame and popularity, we crave material things and beautiful people.

We mistakenly think that happiness is going to arrive when we meet these goals.

Instead of enjoying our life, we are in a constant pursuit of something other than where we are right now. 42086534_l

At the end of your life, your expensive BMW will not be what’s flashing through your mind.

You will more likely smile at the memory of your loyal dog. Stop chasing material possessions, there is no real happiness there, only an endless pursuit.

11.  Always practice gratitude

12.  Love

Pay attention to all of the sources of love in your life and you’ll develop a growing sense of abundance of how much beauty surrounds you each day.

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