Thursday, January 19, 2017

Does becoming wealthy really start with a thought?

Anyone and everyone can become wealthy in Australia.mind

You see…despite what some people think, there is really no shortage of money, only a shortage of the right type of thinking.

Most of us were raised in poorer or middle-class households and one of the things we inherited from our parents was Poverty Thinking.

You know what I mean…

“Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “rich people are greedy”, “eat your food, there are people starving in the world”.

Wealthy people don’t think like that

The wealthy believe there is an unlimited supply of money and everything in the world.

They believe wealth is good and that the rich are good, industrious, hard working people.

Their thoughts are different from the way the average Australian thinks.

How the wealthy think lightbulb

My good friend, best selling author Tom Corley spent 5 years studying the daily habits of the rich and the poor.

Here are some of the differences he found in the ways the rich and the poor think:

  • 79% of the rich believe they are the cause of their financial status in life. 82% of the poor disagree.
  • 90% of the rich believe being gifted intellectually is irrelevant to creating wealth. 87% of the poor disagree.
  • 90% of the poor believe in fate. 90% of the rich do not.
  • 13% of the rich inherited money. 90% of the poor believe the rich are rich because they inherited their money.
  • 79% of the poor believe wealth is the byproduct of random luck. 92% of the rich believe you create your own luck.

Poverty Thinking is inherited

Unfortunately your parents instilled this type of thinking in you unintentionally.

It wasn’t their fault – they simply did not know better.

Fortunately, we now know parent

There are many, many great examples of those who broke out of poverty by changing their way of thinking are many.

In fact one of the reasons I put together my Mentorship Program in 2006 (and it’s still running know as Australia’s longest running Mentorship program) was to teach participants the science of getting rich – to teach them a  different way of thinking – wealthy thinking – not poverty thinking – why not click here now and find out all about my Mentorship Program and join me- please allow me to be one of your mentors.

Over the years I’ve mentored over 2,000 successful business people, investors and entrepreneurs

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