Saturday, January 14, 2017

Lessons from Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger is on tour again.

He’s 72 years old.

Apparently, Mick Jagger runs 5 miles a day because he says if he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t have the energy to carry through with a great performance. mick-jagger-421365_1280

Pretty impressive, hey?

He is reportedly worth $360 million.

Something tells me that he’s not on tour for the money.

My guess is that he has nothing else that he’d rather be doing.

Top performers who are ridiculously successful at what they do are rich, not because they’re chasing a buck.

They’re rich because of the enthusiasm they have for their craft.

Here’s a secret that most people never realise:

If you are doing something without being under the spell of intense enthusiasm, your chances of achieving success is very limited.

Decide to quickly develop intense enthusiasm for your craft, or move on. 57473209 - paper note with text do what you love, love what you do

Yes, it’s a decision.

Yes, it’s a conscious choice.

Enthusiasm isn’t something that just lands on you.

You fuel it. You focus on it, and you fan its flames.

When I encounter investors  who lack enthusiasm for investing, I know their foray into the financial markets will be short lived.

They seem puzzled that their mediocre efforts, and a tendency to be pessimistic, haven’t led to a bank account full of gold.

But you and I know the truth

Intense enthusiasm fires up the subconscious.

It’s electrifying. It generates ideas and solutions from vast depths.

If you create success without enthusiasm… I guarantee you that success will soon leave you.

Everybody has the capacity for intense enthusiasm.

Personally, I’m more enthusiastic about trading and what it can mean to your life than ever before.

Every trader who has traded for as long as I have has drawn on the reservoirs of energy that enthusiasm brings – or they would have quit long ago.

This month, I want you to focus on the deliberate development of intense enthusiasm in your life – even for things that do not naturally interest you initially.

All successful people have learned to harness this skill

Without it, your life will fade into a colourless dull existence, where your energy wanes, and you run out of puff.

This is a key secret to success.

Use it.

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