Have you ever noticed how good we are at doing what doesn’t work?
For some (OK, for me), it’s with our diet.
For others, it’s relationships.
For many Australians, it’s how they handle their finances.
It’s interesting how otherwise intelligent people behave so foolishly and keep on doing what hasn’t worked for years.
It’s like that movie Groundhog Day, but sadly, it’s the financial reality for many people.
I see this a lot
Many of those who start my 12 month “Learn the Science of Getting Wealthy” Mentorship Program have bad money habits.
It’s not their fault – they don’t know better – they weren’t taught how to handle money.
Of course, none of us were born with money skills.
And most of us had bad teachers – our parents – who were well-meaning but also had bad money habits.
In fact, that’s why I wrote my latest bestselling book – Rich Habits Poor Habits – to help average Australian understand the way the rich think and act differently.
As I said, most Australians have poor money habits, but what they don’t realise – is that it’s these poor money habits that create their financial circumstances, so they blame the outside world.
It’s seems that some of us would rather justify, blame, explain, ignore and pretend… than change.
Some of us have been going around financially in circles for years, and now it’s time to step off the merry-go-round and embrace some reality.
And change!
My mentor Jim Rohn taught me that “If you don’t like how things are, change it you’re not a tree.”
He explained: “You can have more than you’ve got, because you can become more than you are.”
Now… I believe that if you took all the money in the world and divided it equally, it would soon be back in same pockets.
Do you agree?
That’s because your income will seldom exceed your own personal development, so unless you change your way of thinking (turn up your financial thermostat) and if you somehow come into more money, you are likely to lose it or sabotage yourself.
You see…. you can’t drive a Ferrari with the engine of a Hyundai!
However, as I said, you can have more because you can become more.
On the other side of the coin – unless you change how you behave, you will always have what you’ve got.
So here are some things you can do right away…
1. Take action – do something different.
Get a good mentor – someone who has achieved what you want to achieve
Most of us are procrastinators.
Unfortunately, for many of us, the right time never seems to arrive.
Some people are always about to change, but never actually do it.
And of course, it’s not really a time thing; it’s an attitude thing.
An overcoming fear thing.
A getting off our backside thing.
So why not click here right now and find out all about my 12 month Mentorship Program where I teach you the Science of Becoming Wealthy – click here now, and take action sign up and join my program
2. Stop Blaming others – that’s because if it’s someone else’s fault, then you won’t have to change since it’s beyond your control.
3. Take responsibility – Become aware of the cause of your financial circumstances and stop blaming the world, the economy, your education, your job or your parents.
Self-awareness, humility and honesty are always valuable tools in the personal transformation process.
4. Drop your indifference – Plenty of people subscribe to the “hopefully things will work themselves out” plan for life.
Rubbish – things don’t “work themselves out” – we do.
Or not.
While the wishful thinkers are sitting around with their fingers crossed, the smart people are consciously and methodically creating their best life and exploring their potential.
Success or failure is not pre-determined; it’s YOU determined
Is it time for you to stop making the same mistakes?
If so get yourself a mentor – an unreasonable friend who can hold you accountable and see your blind spots.
So why not click here right now and find out all about my 12 month Mentorship Program where I teach you the Science of Becoming Wealthy – click here now, and take action sign up and join my program.
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