Friday, June 9, 2017

How will we to cope with all the cars as our population grows? [infographic]

How long did it take you to drive to work today?

I’m lucky – it  takes me less than 5 minutes becuase I live close to work,  but the average commute is much longer than that and it’s getting worse isn’t it?.

Some  would say we have too many cars on the road already Traffic jam

So how we going to cope with our a population growing faster than any other developed country in the world?

If you think about it, growing at 2% per annum Melbourne’s population will grow in the order of 10% in the next five years.

Over the same period the population of some of our other capital cities will grow in the order of 7%.

How will we cope with all the extra cars on the road?

Our World In Data produced the following interactive infographic showing that in 2014 there were 717 cars fro every 1,000 people in Australia

As you can see below we own more cars per capita than many other countries:

road-motor-vehicle-ownership-per-1000-people-2014 (1)


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