Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Rich Focus

What you focus on expands. Success Compass

It’s a universal law.

When you focus on what’s right, you will see good everywhere.

When you focus on what’s wrong, you will see injustice everywhere.

There is a difference the size of the Grand Canyon, in the way in which rich people and poor people focus.

Your focus in life, creates your life:

  • Rich People focus on abundance, Poor People focus on scarcity.
  • Rich People focus on opportunities, Poor People focus on obstacles.
  • Rich People focus on solutions, Poor People focus on problems.
  • Rich People focus on their strengths, Poor People focus on their weaknesses. Rich Or Poor, Opposite Signs
  • Rich People focus on taking risk, Poor People focus on avoiding risk.
  • Rich People focus on individual responsibility, Poor People focus on blaming others.
  • Rich People focus on positivity, Poor People focus on negativity.
  • Rich People focus on doing more, Poor People focus on doing the bare minimum.
  • Rich People focus on meeting their wants, Poor People focus on meeting their needs.
  • Rich People focus on taking action to become rich, Poor People focus on wishing to be rich.
  • Rich People focus on what they can do for you (giving value), Poor People focus on what’s in it for them (getting value).

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