Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Seasons of Life | Jim Rohn

Life is about constant, predictable patterns of change. Jim Rohn_2015

For the six thousand years of recorded history, as humans have entered this world, received parental instruction, classroom instruction, and gathered the experience of life; many have set for themselves ambitious goals, and dreamed lofty dreams.

As the wheel of life continues its constant turning, all human emotions appear, disappear, and appear once again.

A major challenge faced by us all is that we must learn to experience the changing of life’s cycles without being changed by them; to make a constant and conscious effort to improve ourselves in the face of changing circumstances.

That is why I believe in the power and value of attitude.

As I read, ponder and speculate about people, their deeds and their destiny, I become more deeply convinced that it is our natural destiny to grow, to succeed, to prosper, and to find happiness while we are here.

By our attitude, we decide to read, or not to read.

By our attitude, we decide to try or give up.

By our attitude, we blame ourselves for our failure, or we blame others.

Our attitude determines whether we tell the truth or lie, act or procrastinate, advance or recede, and by our own attitude we and we alone actually decide whether to succeed or fail.Confused mind think thought

How incredibly unique that a God who would create the complex and immense universe would create the human race and give to those humans the free choice that would permit them to select their own achievement or their own destruction.

This strange, but all-knowing God gave to us a delicately balanced sphere called earth.

On it, he placed the intelligent human who would either develop it or destroy it.

How terribly fascinating that a God would leave both projects – earth as well as humans – unfinished!

Across the rivers and streams he built no bridges; he left the pictures unpainted, the songs unsung, the books unwritten, and space unexplored.

For the accomplishment of those things, God created the unfinished human who, within his heart and mind, had the capacity to do all these things and more, depending upon his own choice.

Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results.

All that we are, and all that we can become has indeed been left unto us.

For as long as you continue to draw breath, you have the chance to complete the work in and for the earth and for yourself that God has begun for you.

In the cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything! inspiration

Before we begin our discussion of the four seasons I’ll start by making two comments.

First, life and business are like the changing seasons.

That’s one of the best ways to illustrate life:  it’s like the seasons that change.

Second, you cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Now with those two key phrases in mind, let’s look at what I consider to be the first major lesson in life to learn, and that is how to handle the winters. 

They come regularly, right after autumn.

Some are long, some are short, some are difficult, some are easy, but they always come right after autumn.

That is never going to change.

There are all kinds of winters – the “winter” when you can’t figure it out, the “winter” when everything seems to go haywire.

There are economic winters, social winters and personal winters.42157381 - cold weather concept

Wintertime can bring disappointment, and disappointment is common to all of us.

So you must learn how to handle the winters.

You must learn how to handle difficulty; it always comes after opportunity.

You must learn to handle recessions; they come right after expansions.

That isn’t going to change.

The big question is what do you do about winters?

You can’t get rid of January simply by tearing it off the calendar.

But here is what you can do: you can get stronger; you can get wiser; and you can get better.

Remember that trio of words: stronger, wiser, better.

The winters won’t change, but you can.

Before I understood this, I used to wish it were summer when it was winter.

When things were difficult, I used to wish they were easy. season

I didn’t know any better.

Then Mr. Shoaff gave me the answer from a part of his very unique philosophy when he said, “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills.

Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

(Next week we will talk about the second major lesson in life: learning how to take advantage of the spring.

Spring isopportunity.  Fortunately, spring always follows winter.)


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