Saturday, January 20, 2018

11 Principles for success and financial freedom [infographic]

The YouTube ID of Insert video URL or ID here is invalid. Whether it’s climbing Mt. Everest or any other challenging mountain it’s not safe to scale it alone.success

The potential for danger is high; and like most journeys in life, having someone with you who’s been there before and who has your back — to guide you, encourage you to climb higher, and to warn you of any roadblocks or dangers — is critical to your success. 

Guides make all mountaintops attainable.

And the same goes for success and building wealth according to New York Times best selling author T Harv Ekers.

Ekers wrote Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, which should be on the reading list of all investors, business people and entrepreneurs.

The following infographic is a collection of some of his favourite “millionaire mindset” principles and sayings that will challenge the way you think about money, wealth, and success.

11 Principles To Activate Your Millionaire Mind For Success & Financial Freedom

Source: T Harv Ekers


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