Friday, April 20, 2018

My Property Predictions for 2030 [Video]

How will Australia’s property markets change over the next decade?

Where will our property markets be in 10 years’ time?

What will they look like and what are the major factors that affect our property markets over that time?

Now they are some good questions – aren’t they?

Watch this video as Ahmad Imam and I discuss what we expect to happen to Australian property in the next decade

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

You’ll see us discuss...

  1. The major trends that will affect our property markets over the next decade including.
  • Demographic trends city family urban suburb
    • Population growth – household formation
    • How we want to live
    • Where we want to live
  • Economic trends
    • We’re transitioning from a manufacturing country and a resources led economy to an economy based on service industries
    • What will this do to where job growth will occur – wages growth will occur – obviously affect housing
  1. How we’re going to invest in a lower inflationary and wages growth environment
  2. How the forecast strong population growth will affect us – it’s not all good news – there certainly are some challenges ahead
  • Population growth and the wealth of the nation will underpin property values – we need both.
  • Over the year to September 2017 the annual growth in Australia’s estimated resident population picked up to +395,600. This is the largest annual increase since 2013 in absolute terms, if not in percentage terms. 25221363 L
  • More than half of this growth is due to immigration – Australia’s permanent migrant intake is capped at around 200,000 per annum, but the overall pace of net overseas migration was faster than this, partly accounted for by international students.
  • The estimated rate of population increase through net overseas migration is a bit faster than might be implied by the issuance of permanent residency visas, with the growth international students accounting for some of the difference. Where all these people are moving to
  1. Why population growth alone won’t create economic growth, and what is really needed.
  2. A big demographic trend that will shape our property markets, but doesn’t seem to be mentioned much.
  • Our ageing population means we have more one and 2 people households, meaning the type of property that will be in continuous strong Economic growthdemand will be different in the future with more people trading backyards for courtyards and balconies. More single older people, more DINK’s, more empty nesters, more young singles getting married later.
  • Smaller average household size means we need more dwellings for the same number of people
  1. Where the best investment opportunities will be over the next decade and why. – You’ll have to watch the video to get my recommendations

Wealth Retreat 2018

We also discuss Wealth Retreat 2018 which be held on the Gold Coast on June 9th to 13th. 

Wealth Retreat 2018 - General

Click here to find out more and register your interest

By the way…

  • Wealth Retreat is not really a property seminar, even though we do spend a lot of time talking about property.
  • Wealth Retreat is about creating lifetime wealth and leaving a legacy.
  • It is aimed at already successful property investors, business people and entrepreneurs.
  • We have Australia’s leading faculty of property, tax, finance, financial planning economic and business growth experts.
  • I’ve found many of the attendees from previous years felt isolated in their wealth creation journey and by joining us they suddenly developed a peer group of like-minded people.
  • Find out more at image how you will be different after 5 days immersed with a room full of successful movers and shakers.

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