Thursday, February 28, 2019

February in review: Our top 10 trending articles for this month

Are you keen to keep up to date with the continual changing world of property investment, success, personal finance and wealth creationhouse-computer-searchstrategies?

Well…here’s a list of our 10 most read blogs over the last month, in case you missed them.

Did you know that more than 115,000 people subscribe to our Property Update blog?

Some subscribe to the daily commentary while others get the weekly summary.

And that over the course of the month, we’ve published hundreds of articles, but of course, some are always more popular than others.

So as another month comes to an end, we thought it would be a good idea to share the top 10 blogs our readers enjoyed so you can take another look at the stories that meant the most to our subscribers.

What’s ahead for Brisbane’s property market?

Is it the right time to follow the sun and move into the Brisbane property market?

That’s a question now being asked by more and more property investors who have been priced out of Australia’s two big capital cities.

Click here to read more


5 Property market predictions that are guaranteed to happen in 2019

Around this time each year it’s customary for those of us in the property industry to peer into the future in an attempt to predict what’s ahead for our housing markets in the coming year and beyond.

While making such forecasts is not an exact science, I can safely make five predictions that I am certain will be true for 2019.

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2019 property economy


State by State Update on the Australian Property Markets | February 2019 Chart Pack

2019 is already turning out to be BOOM year.

A boom year for scary headlines and fright that is!

Firstly, there are all those problems overseas including an increased downside risk for the economies of the USA and China.

At the same time there is confusion about the effects of Brexit and the effects of international trade wars.

Then back home our economy is also facing headwinds which is creating increasing concerns of an impending recession (which, by the way, I don’t think this is likely.)

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Property Market

Panic on the streets — we’re going into recession

OK, the subject line is an exaggeration (probably the first time in the history of the internet this has ever happened), but there’s lots of concern at the moment that Australia is going to fall into recession.

Many commentators are worried that the current crisis in consumer confidence will impact economic growth.

They suggest that the negative wealth effect of falling house values could lead to a cut in consumer spending and that this plus the collapse in construction activity (one of our biggest employers) at a time of overseas economic headwinds could combine to create the perfect storm which could lead to Australia into recession.

Well here are my thoughts…

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news bad economy

Where will house prices be 25 years from now?

While most real estate investors worry about the value of their properties today, particularly in light of our flat and falling property markets, in my mind a much better question is “where will property prices be 25 years from now?”

And the good news is that, believe it or not, the median house price in Sydney could be over $6million and the median apartment price in our Harbour City could be close to $3.5 million in 25 years’ time.

Now before you say “NO that can’t be! Housing is already unaffordable” let me explain…

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Future Sydney Scenarios

Brisbane’s Time to Shine – 4 Suburbs that MUST be on your radar

With leading Economists tipping Brisbane to lead the nation for capital growth over the next few years, I suggest you do your research before jumping on in!

BIS Schrapnel has predicted 13% growth for Brisbane out until 2021 and a recent report by QBE Insurance has predicted 11%.

Whatever the outcome, it is clear that Brisbane will continue to tick over with steady growth, while the rest of the nation takes a breather.

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Brisbane City CBD, Queensland, Australia

12 Important Lessons All Property Investors Should Remember in 2019

I see every year as a time for learning and personal development and 2019 will be no different.

That’s one of the best parts of being involved in the property markets.

I’m continually learning from the property markets because they’re so dynamic that you never quite “solve the puzzle” because the puzzle is always getting reshuffled in front of you right when you think you’ve got it solved.

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2019 economy property

7 tips to make yourself more attractive to the banks in this tougher lending environment [THINK TANK]

It’s no big secret that it’s harder to get a loan today.

And by now you’ve heard me say property investment is a game of finance with some houses thrown in the middle.

So if you have any interest in property at all, whether as an investor or homeowner then this chat I have with finance strategist Andrew Mirams of Intuitive Finance is for you.

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Hands of businessman

The 15 Best Suburbs to Invest in Sydney in 2019

This Blog is going to be a little different from my other blogs.

Purely because I write this blog with a level of hesitation.

And the reason for this hesitation is because whenever I see a blog written with the title “Top Hotspots for 2019” or “Property Investment Hotspots” it usually makes me cringe.

So let me preface by saying….this is NOT one of those blogs.

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Property Investment In Melbourne – 29 Real Estate Market Tips

The Melbourne property market has been one of the strongest and most consistent performers over the last few decades.

However after peaking in November 2017 the market is now taking a breather.

But the Melbourne real estate market is not crashing as some property pessimists predict – it is experiencing a soft landing.

There are no forced sales by desperate vendors, instead we’re seeing an orchestrated slowdown created by our regulators who’ve tightened the screws on lending, particularly to investors.

Here are some stats from Corelogic showing the cyclical nature of the Melbourne real estate market over the last 20 years…

Click here to read more

Propertyupdate Victorian Property Melbourne


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