Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Highest and lowest turnover of housing stock

Resource towns have typically seen the lowest turnover over the past 12 months while lifestyle markets and new housing areas are seeing relatively higher levels of turnover. house-computer-search-property-news-media-web-300x212

Across the nation, the number of residential properties sold has reduced over the past year.

This trend has been reflected across most capital cities and major regional areas of the country.

One of the main reasons behind the decline in sales has been a reduction in stock becoming available for sale.

In addition to fewer homes being available for sale, lending conditions have also tightened and affordability constraints are preventing some market segments from being more active.

Over the 12 months to June 2016, just 4.9% of total dwelling stock nationally transacted.

Based on this figure it would take around 20.5 years for the total national housing stock to turnover.

The low turnover rate also highlights why price based measurements such as median prices aren’t the most reliable for tracking value movements across the housing market given that so little of the total housing stock actually transacts in any given year.

The turnover figure is different to the often quoted average hold period figure. 

Turnover looks at the proportion of total stock which is selling while the hold period calculation looks only at those homes transacting and measures the length of time between sales.

The two figures highlight that there are properties which transact on a more regular basis while there are others which rarely sell.

The first table highlights the 25 council areas nationally that had the lowest turnover of housing stock over the year to June 2016.

What is immediately noticeable from the list is the prevalence of regions linked the resources sector.

These areas have been characterised as having plenty of willing sellers of properties but relatively few people actively looking to buy.

This is reflected by the fact that in some of these regions only a small overall proportion of housing stock has actually transacted.

Top 25 council areas for lowest level of housing stock turnover, 12 months to June 2016


The second table shows the 25 council regions that have recorded the greatest turnover of housing stock over the past year.

This list of suburbs is slanted towards coastal/lifestyle markets.melbourne victoria city urban

It also includes a number of council areas in which there has been significant housing supply additions over the year.

The heightened level of turnover in lifestyle markets indicates that the popularity of purchases in these markets has returned after many years in the doldrums.

Top 25 council areas for highest level of housing stock turnover, 12 months to June 2016


It is anticipated that turnover will remain low in mining towns due to a lack of willing buyers.

On the other hand, new housing areas and lifestyle markets are expected to continue to see relatively high levels of turnover throughout the coming year.

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