Tuesday, January 24, 2017

4 Questions to ask before buying a property in your Self Managed Super Fund

With significant volatility in the world’s share market and an uncertain future coupled with the costs of having an industry or retail superannuation account more and more Australians are wanting to take control of their superannuation. super retirement superannuation saving elderly old

This decision is primarily driven by costs and the ability to more directly control asset choice.

Since 2007 the ability to borrow in super has allowed many investors to leverage their superannuation into direct property and this is seen by many as an attractive tool to improve returns, and to reduce risk and volatility.

The ability to choose and to leverage can be best achieved by many via a Self Managed Superannuation Fund which now account for approximately 32% of all funds invested in superannuation and as such is the largest individual super segment compared to industry, retail, and other sectors.

Investors choosing to operate an SMSF and to leverage must consider many critical factors and unfortunately many make fundamental and costly mistakes that could be avoided.

It is important to ask the right questions and below is a sample of the sorts of issues that need to be addressed.

1. What is Involved in Setting Up an SMSF? 

An SMSF is a trust and as such must be controlled by a trustee.

This can be either a company or individuals.

All the SMSF members must be either an individual trustee or director in the corporate trustee.

There are specific rules which must be included to receive the tax and other benefits of super.

The trustees must operate for the sole purpose of providing retirement income.

There is a maximum of four people who can be in an SMSF.

This could allow various family members to pool their superannuation into the one SMSF.

The trustees are permitted to engage the services of professionals to assist them but it is recommended that all trustees read and understand their responsibilities which can be found on the ATO web site. https://www.ato.gov.au/uploadedfiles/content/spr/downloads/spr46427n11032.pdf

2. How Can I Borrow to Purchase an Investment Property?

The rules to borrow come under the general heading of Limited Recourse Borrowing Rules (LRBR).

These are very strict but basically allow the borrowing to purchase a property including costs and for any repairs and maintenance needs.

Cosmetic renovations can be covered under repairs and maintenance but we generally find the banks do not lend for this R&M.

It is allowable to improve the property e.g. another bathroom or bedroom while there is debt but these costs must be funded with internal SMSF cash reserves.

It is not permissible to fundamentally change the property from what was originally purchased e.g. purchase land under one contract and then build under a second contract, develop a single dwelling into a duplex. farm seed soil grow wealth money coin

The property, while there is debt, cannot be held directly in the SMSF and must sit in a “holding trust”.

The property can be used as security and in the event of a default only the property can be seized hence limited recourse.

The banks will however generally require other security and only lend 70% of the value and at a higher interest rate.

Members can lend to their own SMSF but there are minimum terms which must be met under a formal LRBA as set out by the ATO or severe penalties will apply.

You should always plan for the unexpected low valuation compared to contract price as any shortfall will need to be made up if the bank does not lend you what you originally though.

These additional funds can come through cash in the SMSF or a member loan

3. What Sort Of Property Can My SMSF Purchase With Debt?

You can purchase any type of property such as residential, commercial, industrial and mixed use.

You cannot however purchase a residential property off a member or related party.

The purchase can be off the plan if you have one contract for the end property as opposed to land and then the property.property mortgage finance money

As the sole purpose test is to provide retirement income you cannot rent a residential property off your SMSF but you can rent/lease a commercial property to yourself.

This can be a strategy for a business owner.

This can extend to a rural property and since the residence is normally an incidental part of the business you can live in the homestead under these circumstances.

Given the ability to more quickly pay down debt in super as the tax rate on earnings is 15% (10% on capital gains) compared to an individual marginal tax rate which can be as high as 49% many people purchase property in super such as maybe a holiday home or a final home and pay it down in super to then sell it to themselves once in pension stage.

No capital gains tax is payable in pension stage but the sale out of super will attract stamp duty but this cost is normally acceptable given the ability to more quickly pay down the debt in super. Note you or your family cannot use the residential property while it is in super even when in pension stage.

4. Can I Negatively Gear in My SMSF?

The short answer in yes.

One of the benefits of superannuation is that when in pension stage the fund pays no tax and the members pay no tax on the pension they receive.

The question many people ask is whether there is a taxation difference if purchased outside of super versus inside.

In pension stage there clearly is as if purchased outside super any rental income or capital gains are subject to tax.

Is there a difference before pension. 

 Negative gearing is when the rental income after operating costs is not enough to cover interest expense.

The ATO allows you to reduce your taxable wages by this amount and so you receive a tax refund if you had not done a tax variation request to reduce tax on wages pay by pay.

If purchased outside super any shortfalls in interest versus rent is payable to the bank and at tax time a credit is received.

If purchased inside super you will need to ask your employer to salary sacrifice any property shortfall which will reduce your taxable wages and so your tax benefit is the same.

The SMSF receives this additional contribution and uses it to absorb the shortfall and so to the extent that the additional funds are used to pay the bank no tax if payable on the contribution leaving you in the same tax position as compared to buying outside of super.

The tax benefit kicks in when in pension stage.

Note that this benefit works up to the capped amount of the concessional contributions limit, currently $25,000 per year inclusive of the super guarantee your employer pays.

Steps to Purchase in SMSF

You should talk to appropriately licensed professionals to determine the following before going out to buy:

  1. Suitability and allowability of the property you are considering and cash flow expectations
  2. Finance strategy and availability including SMSF funds required and the documentation to use either your cash or equity that you have outside super.
  3. Advice on the implications of moving funds from a retail/industry fund into your SMSF. This should as a minimum look at tax implications and the impact on insurances for both costs and availability
  4. Set up of documentation and structures including SMSF, Holding Trust and trustee companies (one for each structure).
  5. Lastly, go shopping. It is no use purchasing without having set up the structures as you may not be able to move from an incorrect name or structure or if possible maybe risk an additional stamp duty. Two very costly error.


If you’d like to know more about how an Equity Transfer Trust could protect your assets, why not have a strategic discussion with me about your individual needs and let Ken Raiss formulate a Strategic Wealth Plan for you, your family or your business. 21138688 - 3d people - man, person and question mark. confusion

Just click here and find out more about Metropole Wealth Advisory’s range of services and book a time for your strategic consultation.

Just click here and leave your details and we’ll be in contact to explain more.

We offer you guidance and support that contribute to seamlessly combining the essential financial areas of your life.

Whether you are a business owner, a professional or a high-income earner we provide you with an individually tailored solution integrating the core disciplines of taxation, superannuation and property investment interwoven with finance, asset protection, succession and estate planning, personal risk insurances and philanthropy.

Please click here to organise a time for a chat. Or call us on 1300 20 30 30.


This article is general information only and is intended as educational material. Metropole Wealth Advisory nor its associated or related entitles, directors, officers or employees intend this material to be advice either actual or implied. You should not act on any of the above without first seeking specific advice taking into account your circumstances and objectives. 

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